Those Nights at Random's (Version 2 being worked on)
4 years ago

Some fun facts about TNaR:R!

Originally, I wanted Random and Bew to have audio lures to the kitchen, but changed my mind because the idea seemed kind of dumb in this type of game.

Toxin originally had a different mechanic planned, he would basically work like the salvaging sessions in FFPS, but once again I changed the idea due to the pace of the game at the time.

Glitchifer wasn’t originally going to be planned for the game, but I wanted the game to be more challenging.

Smiler, the new coder of the game, took a whopping four days to make the TNaR:R demo.

There are actually seven camera Easter Eggs! Two of them are posters.

These are just some of the fun facts I could remember off the top of my head. xd




Next up

After nearly two years of TNaR:R’s page being up, it has hit 1K followers.

Mission Accomplished I guess

So uh

Played “The Glitched Attraction” recently and I’m quite stupid 😎

Me lon

Help my little man needs to McGrow. So feed him some of that good candy.