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"Sweet Frances"
I remade a drawing from January, influenced a little by The Walten Files, giving TA's style some in depth detail. I also tried to make Rachel look accurate to the actress she's based on, I'm so proud of this one.
(WIPs included)
Ashley Waters: Royal Vale's Best Detective (1994)
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my works, ye mighty and despair"
Nov 24th
I'm not the kind of guy who celebrates Halloween, but I might as well give you a little something.
You know the drill, only ONE of these script pages is real.
An animated title card made in April for a university project. Didn't release it until now as it contained the game's title.
No place to run anymore...
The Fazbear Facility: Prologue finally releases November 30th