LEGO Batman The Videogame REMASTERED
1 year ago

Some Kind of Game Devlog # 1


I wanted to start showing you what I got of the game so far that I can show.

So the first thing I want to start showing is the main menu, which by a lot of research I manage to make it work with a "New Game", "Load Game", "Options" and "Exit" button, which are still in process mostly the "Options" button.

The second thing is the character movement, which for the moment, it has idle, walking, and running animations, I still need to finish the jump, crouch and walking while crouching animations.

Also the level in the video is only for test purposes, which is only a way to test the character movement and physics (which I'll show in another devlog soon):

And for all of those who say that I wouldn't finish the game on time, is that I'll need this time your help; since I'm only a person dong the models, animations, cutscenes and the game itself, I want some of your help with the cutscenes, I want someone who has like a powerful PC to make and render the cutscenes using the program Blender 4.0, were I'll send the people who would help me with that some storyboards to give them an idea of what to do in that scene and have a little bit of liberty at their style.

That's all I can say for today, also I'm doing this quickly because I'm going to a flight to Acapulco and I need to finish this post quickly before going to the trip which would last like more than 5 hours, also that in there won't be so much internet because of how devastated ended up like.

Happy New Year 2024.





Next up

Foxy in the Hallway from the FNAF Movie with the character in my style.


batmobile go brrr

What the hell?

My chilhood favorite game LEGO Batman is now 15 years old

I absolutely loved this game as a kid on my Wii and its an honor to put my heart into this project since its beginning, and hopefully its released on Halloween of this year

It has been officially a year since I started this game (but I feel empty)

I'm really proud of this.

Pyro if he was mexican

The most mysterious Lego Batman character

"Tomorrow I will explain why..."

Publishes it 3 days later
