Aaand Hello Again!
Sorry I haven’t posted a dev log in so long, it has been a bit hard to find the time! And yes, of course, you gotta start off a dev log with a gif!

in case you are wondering who that pink-haired girl is, she’s an original character; it is not in-game character customization, unfortunately!
So what can I say, a lot has been going on, and a lot of work has been put into the project. Since the last update I’ve managed to get together a team of superheroes to work on the project with me. There has been more progress on the multiplayer front, but also a lot of work done on some core mechanics and design - like some changes to the art style, and the 3dmg and bursting.
New characters are here, along with new animations for them, and some more exciting stuff!
So who is on this team you speak of?
Well, since the last dev log I’ve been looking for help, and sure enough help has trickled in over the past several months.
Some artists have joined the battle; three of them in fact. Two 3d modelers and an animator.
With their help, we now have new characters for the game, and we’ve also moved towards a bit of a different art style (not that I really had one before). I think its pretty great that we don’t have to worry about servers being full of my old Eren models now. :D
Also on board are two programmers. This is great news for helping speed things up development-wise, especially since one of them has experience with web development; a skill I am definitely lacking. :D
So that brings us to six. It’s a lot more than one, and gives us a lot more options for development!
Come stop by the game’s Discord server if you wanna chat, ask questions, or just see what we are up to!
What new mechanics? And what about multiplayer?
Ahh. Well, the thing about multiplayer is that it is really hard :D. A lot more work has been done on setting up the project to work online, and that includes fixing 3dmg mechanics and improving them, like the reeling, bursting, wall-running, etc.
There’s a lot of stuff so I won’t be mentioning everything in this post. Things are improving and some cool stuff is happening, but there is of course still work to be done!
I could have tried to put together some more gifs and pics for you guys, but I think I will wait till I can put together a video instead since that will be a much better preview/update. Not all the changes do well in gif form, it would seem.
If you are curious though, feel free to hop into the Discord (linked above) for the most up-to-date progress and news.
So then… when is the update!?
Spoiler: It's... not ready yet. :(
Like I said, this whole multiplayer thing is a pretty big job, who knew! But it hasn’t been just multiplayer development; a lot of work has gone into making new characters and art for the game, and fixing/improving mechanics.
New team members helping to make the game.
We are working on it often and making good progress.
Still more work to be done before we get to the next playable release.
So, that is it for this log! I’ll be sure to make the next one cooler with a lot more to see, and hopefully not too long from now!
Thanks so much for being patient with the development! It is a lot of work but we are getting there. :D