Some news
The ACT 2 boss will attack with using bombs and ram you in a minecart, with every damage taken he will move faster and faster. He's almost done.
I decide to remove free bonuses in start of the boss because it's stupid idea, mb it returns later.
Next up
The second boss is already in development.
In the game, each level will be divided into two acts: the first is a normal level, the second is a boss fight. I'll try to release the game (DEMO) by the end of this year. Wait for the next sneak peek.
wise blocks
Cloudy, with a chance of precipitation.
HAIL TOP ZONE, finished, 1/3 levels in demo
I love adding scrapped Sonic 2 enemies
Now all spoiler screenshots are ends here.
BLOCK CAVES ZONE, in progress, 2/3 levels in demo
debug level select 😎
Make your choice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )