Coffy's: Enhanced (Official) | PAUSED
5 years ago

Some Nights at Coffy's : october updates


Esse foi um mês em tanto, praticamente finalizamos a demo e ela provavelmente ira sair um dia depois deste post (ou que sabe ainda hoje, mas menos provável). Por mais que fizemos muita coisa, não tem muito do que se falar, mas o jogo está melhorando cada vez mais e também está tendo um desenvolvimento bem rápido.

This month there were a lot of things, we practically finished the demo and it will probably come out a day after this post (or maybe even today, but less likely). As much as we've done a lot, there's not much to talk about, but the game is getting better and better, and it's also developing very fast.

OBS: The next post will give more information about the demo.



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Coffy's 3rd Anniversary! / 3º Aniversário de Coffy's!

The page has been updated.

Places you've seen before

So familiar

Deltarune chapter 3 leak wtf

Hey @gamejolt , could you verify one more? I do funny cat FNaF games!

For this FNaF anniversary I didn't get to do nothing for lack of time, but I wanted to share this model I made a few months ago inspired by Freddy from FNaF Plus that would be used in a future game I'm not sure if I'll make yet, but here it is :)

CE leak

Time to remake this.

Gamejolt now be like (This was made by @CachacaAbduzida)