The Brent's Restaurants Archives

3 months ago

Some stuff + Character Reveal

Also this game might be bigger than Cafe

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Where the Door

Cutscenes (again)

DevLog 2! This is gonna be a longer Devlog than the previous one (Also sorry for a week without updates, been busy with other projects as well as slowing down on life)

Orange Man's: Welcome Back & Brent's Archives takes place in the same universe, they don't affect the story in any way, just wanted to mention that Game is still paused btw

I got bored & Uh yeah Also Yes Brenner's is getting redone AGAIN, so more updates on that soon maybe idk

Sorry for the lack of updates again I am still working on the game and more than half the A.I.s are coded into the game! so a 2-Night Demo might release around next week So stay tuned for that!

All 8/8 A.I.s are done! and play testing Night 4, oh boy, things will get fast & stressful, right now Im trying to make night 4 more fair as its a bit well.... fast paced

Decided to work on cutscenes

Drewie's AI is 80% done, while Dewey's is like 90% done the character interactions are also going well....kinda