My Scary TubbyWorld
14 hours ago

Some updated Maps

TubbyVilla(Day) with Linky

TubbyVilla(Night) With Willy

The TubbyClock with Eddy

Mini Dollhouse(Dusk) with Mia-Mia

Mini Dollhouse(Night) with Sol

Village of joy with Uno

More soon maybe..



Next up

"Welcome to my TubbyWorld..."

Alan in TTSE 2

Lady in Left 4 Sodor

(made by me)

Old & New


Anno Domini

Terrortubbies Icons(Fanmade)

+ Jerry Bartram

(Made by me)

Po The Diva Tubby

Balto & Annie and Clarabel

(Models recreated by me(Except Thomas)

Soon they will be free to use for Fangames but give me credit