4 months ago

Someone asked me why Drawtale is named the way it is and I’ll answer it here:


People have asked me this before and it’s always the same answer:

When I was younger I wanted to make my own au and to call it Drawtale. Now as I continued growing on the au, the name kept becoming detached from the story. So why didn’t I ever change it is what you’re probably thinking. Reason being is just that the name has grown on me and cuz I can’t think of any other name that would fit it. I’m not planning on changing it anytime soon either.

I guess you could say I just wanted a piece of the old story integrated. Speaking of integration, the name now serves a purpose but it’ll be revealed in a later chapter 🙃

Thank you guys for being patient with me. I’m gonna extend the deadline for me to be end of March beginning of April so hopefully you guys will be happy with that. I’ll try my best!

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