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Making blocks more interactive... :D
6667 downloads... nice!
Not bad...
Now I have to give it another use... XD
I found a way to make the whole mod available in 1.12
...The bad news are that the hit boxes are wrong, and I have to adjust each and every one.
New structure, abandoned prison.
Download my mod:…
NPC in the making...
A gargoyle.
Fixed collision boxes, lattice can be opened and closed, and finally a look at the added blocks so far from update 0.8 of the mod.
Corregidas las cajas de colisión de varios bloques y los enrejados pueden abrir y cerrarse.
Making the mod from scratch for minecraft 1.12.2
And I finally find out how to make it compatible with texture packs :D
I wonder if it is possible in higher versions....
Added a little gift for those youtubers that have reviewed my mod :D