Guys, as you know as @Captains_SideGames said that Orange Man's: Welcome Back, and Brents Archives take place in the same universe, well today/yesterday, we talked for a short time, but now, Five Deadly Nights, and Five Deadly Nights: Horror Story's now are now also taken in the same place as both Orange Man's: Welcome Back, and Brents Archives, but they both don't effect each other story's in any way possible (Sense all of Captains_SideGames are taken in Virginia while FDN & FDN: HS takes place in North Carolina, Ohio, and Mississippi) but yeah just wanted y'all to know that :D



Next up

A little thing I decided to do with the camera and make it into a teaser >:)

A little teaser to show how long each night is in Voyagers Fear 2, might change sense that's going to be for the demo try, the full version might be a bit longer. The demo goes up to Night 2 though.

updated Voyagers Fear 2 Night range times

working on the jumpscares of Voyagers Fear 2

A little thing

a little thing for LT: LB >:)

Camera 3 is finally finished for VF 2, now it's only Camera 4 and all of Cam 1 camera's will be finished

The Voyagers Fear 2 office is so damn good! Just gotta add some things and it's done!

The Voyagers Fear 2 night selection, you have to play the nights in order if you want to progress through the story (which long story short, the others won't be playable until you beat it from night 1-6)