16 hours ago

Something for plans:


This is My Thumbnail for it.

(@Doomsday4411 will have his own style)

Me and @Doomsday4411 will be playing horror games, And it will be on both my YouTube and His YouTube, We'll be playing those games on Friday's. Not at night, but sometimes at night, and where I'm not busy such as, going to my Father's house, We'll be playing lists of main games, because we have nothing else for now.

  1. Roblox

  2. Rec Room

  3. VRChat

And when I get a Computer we might play some real horror games.

Make sure to reccomend us games!

And here are the channel Links (pls sub we're desperate)

  1. My Channel

  2. His Channel

Don't mind his YT PFP His name is Buffis (That's what he said atleast)

And I will also be posting My Gacha stuff on YT too :P



Next up

The New RGB Galaxy edition trio! :3

(Also I'm back)

Experiment Children: Group I

Galaxy Meets Ethan


While i wait from my BF to return to the call. here are some pictures of "Broken Down's" newer design

Soul Lizzy art for mom(@Lizzy_Zebra ) <3

Kaity did it again—

Why is he so adorable

I made Ethan (@Lizzy_Zebra 's BF OC) :D

The second Image is Galaxy Edition Meeting BF


Official Galaxy edition BF, GF, And Pico

(In Gacha cause i can't draw )