Five Nights at Tadashie's (Worktitle)

2 years ago

Sometimes i dream ceations are real.
here is something there Darlin_3D (Name on Fiverr) is work on for me.



Next up

Hey Guys. We fianly reveal it! He is the one and only tiger main charcater and your star of the show! Here is... TADASHIE Model by Darlin_3d on Fiverr

Meet Tadashie and the Gang. I'm about to make some art about them!


Some of you want leaks. I dont have any game play yet or models who i want to leak so here is somthing else :D

Rat Race Production Update

There is maybe something comming. My frist try to make a FNAF game. mybe i will came out in a year or sometimes. I'm not sure if i can handle it, but i'm trying