Five Shows at Wario's: Bruno's Purgatory

4 years ago

Sometimes, there is more than one way to deal with a situation, but it takes patience to find a window of opportunity...

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Next up

Night 3, wait… what happened to the cameras? And what’s that noise? Sounds like it’s coming from the Attic…

There once was a man named Wario... who traveled to the United States to hopefully thrive in "The Land Of Opportunity." With barely any money, he looked for work, and came across a man who had similar ideas as he did.


Just when you thought you were safe...

Pick a box. Its contents will help you on your way.

📦 📦 📦


Night 4. Goddammit Winslow, I gave you the money to pay the electric bill. Well… I still have my trusty flashlight. Is that a battery in the… mirror?

(This remix may not sound exactly like the original and might be a little off, I’ll redo it one day.)

Almost to 100 followers on Bruno's Purgatory, so here's a little teaser


Here’s another one of those videos I did a couple years ago, this one’s a little loud towards the end, so there’s a volume warning.

This is all I will say for now, just so you know, this story will not be identical to the canon, FNAW story, but will feature most of it's characters. ;)

It's a little hot in here. Can someone open a window?