11 months ago

Sometimes when the vessel is too destroyed to restore, the soul tends to "reincarnate", but in doing so, the soul almost always forgets who they are, and thus we recently made the "Isekai Clause" to help said souls recover. [More in article]


This clause is to help souls who lost their original body recover themself, this clause states that the soul is able to stay at any registered motel for a minimum of 5 days while they get back on their (metaphoric) feet.

How does one apply?

  • you must be in peiku for less than 48 hours upon reincarnation

  • You must not be registered in the soul database (this is to prevent scandals

  • You must provide a name to register (doesn't have to be your original name)



Next up

What the fuck man i just wanted the song name

Not a soul crisis

Funi lizard

half the stream was fishing minigame

peikusona redesign (old design in 2nd image)

I had a vision

#GJasks id honestly like to see a jaz lore and peiku crossover anyways here is my peikusona while im talking about it-

Jesus f christ is this enough quests



i'll see you in april then


A REMAKE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE "Adventures of Jerry the Slime" COMIC!

(Deemed "Jerry the Slem")

wait it can recommend your own videos