Somewhat of a redraw of the Sonic Pizza Sim Menu, as I mostly wanted an excuse to draw the characters.
Took a lot less time than I thought it would, tbh.
Next up
Drew @Fnaffan347 's OC for drawing practice. Didn't do shading because I didn't feel like it.
Also drew this yesterday, but forgot to post it here.
Little sketch of Nightmaric I made because in my head I always picture him looking more like Shadow then Sonic.
Nightmare toy salvage sonic(remake)
Made to be a new profile pic for Steam, since my other Scourge profile pic is kinda old.
Toy Yoshi but more Yoshi-shaped
Was just meant to be Dr.G expression practice but I got bored and just doodled around it.
origintrap game over
this is not for fnas manic mania recoded, i draw it because i got bored
Just some caped criminals (also have some unshaded and sketch variants)