Yo everyone, I’m here to drop the new update for Sonic Revolution, which I’ve now changed to Sonic Adventure: Revolution, as it’s a fan game for Adventure fans despite being 2D, and in the future will become a bigger priority then just making stages to play in.
This new update features:
Campaign Mode 2, which takes place after Scrap Brain Zone from the first campaign.
9 new stages.
9 new hidden characters to unlock within 6 of the new stages.
Flying hover board segments in 2 new stages
The new sliding attacks for every character, while you pull off combo attacks while moving and keeping your speed to fight through groups of enemies.
The speed of every character has also been modified. What used to be their running speed is now their natural walking speed, while running speed is even faster, allowing for overall faster movement for fitting for a Sonic game, even if it’s a beat’em up.
Some of the new stages now features randomly spawning enemies, and they keep coming until you get to a certain area within the stages, so the idea in these stages are to plow through hoards of enemies when needed.
I’m looking for feedback on some of the new features and changes, as I’m looking to make this more of an action game from here on while still retaining the beat’em up gameplay standard to this engine.

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