1 year ago

sonic is back for a unexpected revelation! 😱



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behold jared

adore jared

don't forget jared

oh also would ya look at that, this dead community just got a new channel!!1!!1! wowzerers

holy frick wawa no wae it got likez!!1! 🤯🤯

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Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

o no...


what do you mean it was miku's day today

usa's date system is so confusing

like, in my country it's 9/3 not 3/9

so basically, here it's "kumi's" day and we still have to wait a few months to actually feel it's miku's day

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

DID YOU KNOW did you know that scubadivers always roll backwards because if they rolled forwards they would just go into the boa-