5 years ago

Sonic × Pikachu (OC)

Cause why not? :P

Sorry I was bored ;-;

(This is a shipping story. So if you hate ships, please ignore)

It was a peaceful morning. Pikachu was in her room, sleeping. When suddenly she felt someone lightly shook her. She turned around and opened her eyes alittle to see a farmilliar blue hedgehog.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed as she hitted the hedgehog with a pillow. "Oww!! What was that for?!" Sonic said shocked by the sudden attack. "What are you doing in my bedroom?! And how did you get in?" She asked, not shocked anymore. "Well waking you up! It's 10 in the morning already!" He said, showing the clock. He was right. It's 10 in the morning. "I stayed up late last night..working on something.." She chuckled nervously but then snapped out of it and looked at Sonic with a serious look. "And HOW did you get in?" She asked the blue hedgehog. He then chuckled nervously. "I-I saw you w-where you p-put your s-spare k-keys.." He replied, nervously. Pikachu just looked at him in shocked. "That's called stalking dude.." "Okay okay! I'm sorry! I'm not going to do it again.." He apologized. "Okay. I forgive you." Pikachu smiled.

"Oh! Right. I came here to ask if you wanna hang out in the park with me. Are you free today?" Sonic asked, hopeful in his eyes. "Hm..I don't have anything in schedule today..so yeah! I'm free." Pikachu replied. "Sweet!" He said, happily. "Now get out of my room or I throw a pillow again." Pikachu said, standing up. "Okay..see you downstairs ...princess" Sonic said, walking to the door. "Hey!!" Pikachu then throwed a pillow at him but he easily dodged and closed the door. Pikachu sighed and get ready.

Pikachu went downstairs, wearing a dark grey jacket. She went to the kitchen only to saw a chilli dog and water at the kitchen table. She then happily dig in.

When she was finished, she looked around the house but found it empty. She then saw the blue blur, closing his eyes peacefully and let the wind ran to his quills.

Pikachu then took revenge. She quietly went behind Sonic and tickled him. His eyes bursted open and burst into laughter, trying to get out of Pikachu's tickle attack.

"H-hey! S-s-stop!!" He said. Pikachu then stopped, grinning. "What was that for?!" Sonic asked the female. "For coming to my private place in the world!" Pikachu said, still grinning. "So, this is what I get for making you a yummy chilli dog for breakfast?" Sonic raise a brow, while crossing his arms. Pikachu just giggled and said,"You wanna go to the park or not?" Pikachu asked, standing up. "Yeah. I was waiting for you!" Sonic replied, standing up too. They then walked to the park together.

"Well, here we are!" Sonic said. He then took Pikachu's arm and ran to a carnival. "Forgot to mention I bought tickets for us to go to the carnival" Sonic said with a smirk. "Man, you totally are prepared". Pikachu replied, smilling.

They then spent a few hours in the carnival untill it's almost sunset. They then sat on the grass to see the sunset. "Thanks for the awesome time, Sonic" Pikachu said smilling. Sonic returned the smile with a wink and thumbs up. "The sunset looks beautiful! Don't you agree?" Pikachu said in awe. "Yeah..like you.." Sonic replied. But he wasn't paying attention to the sunset. Pikachu then blushed alittle because of his comment and looked at the hedgehog who was locking his emerald eyes with her greyish-blueish eyes.

"Close your eyes.." Sonic said. "O-okay?" Pikachu then closed her eyes. Sonic just looked at her. Should he do it? I don"t think she would mind. Sonic then went closer to her face. Pikachu felt his breath as she blushed. What is he going to do? He then kissed her. Pikachu was suprised at first but slowly returned it. (THAT. WILL. NEVER. HAPPEN. AGAIN XD)

They then pulled away because of losing oxygen. They looked at eachother both faces are red. "I love you, Phionex." Sonic said, hugging the female. "Love you too, Speedster". She returned the hug

Done! Welp, that kiss thing...I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. Or maybe?? XD

Welp, thanks for sticking around. Take care!

Oh, one last note.

Sonic fangirls and shipping haters...




Next up

Fanart for someone on Insta


its been awhile since i drew her

also its her first time in sonic x style :D

Almost finish with a wip!

I need to stop cause it’s getting late and I ran out of ideas for a background jsjsjs

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

I’m obsessed

Also I just noticed I haven’t drew Pika in awhile so here’s her comeback

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

Working on something my younger self would love to have! :)

“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


Something unfinished for #WorldArtDay