5 years ago

Sonic: Shining Hope

Chapter 1: Sonic's defeat

Sonic was running in Green Hill, enjoying the wind ran to his quills when suddenly Tails and Pikachu contacted him from a watch.

"Sonic! Eggman's army are surging into the city! Pikachu's hurt. We need you here now!" Tails cried from the watch with a tone of worryness

"Hang on Tails! I'm on my way!" Sonic replied back to the watch.

"We don't have time to lose! Better kick things up a notch!"

Sonic then speed up to save the city. And he saw a giant...worm?

"Man look at the size of that thing! Guess all kinds of things shows up when your neighbourhood turns into a dessert" Sonic speed up more

"There's sand everywhere! Green Hill's looking like Sand Hill right now. Sonic said (Sonic stop talking to yourself xD)

He then destroy some robots with his super speed.

"Man this place is a wreck. Thanks, Egghead. One of my favourite spots is all ruined. Sonic said.

"This is it for Green Hill the city must be close. Let's go and save some citizens." Sonic then spindahes at some leftovers robots and ran to the city


As Sonic ran to the city, he saw a hurt Pikachu, and Tails with a bunch of frightened citizens surrounded with Eggman's robots with nothing to use. He rushed in and saved them in the nick of time.

"Is everyone okay?" Sonic asked as the citizens cheered.

"We are! Thanks to you". Pikachu said, smilling.

"Cutting it close, pal. Tails said as he winked at his best friend

"Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll." Sonic said. He then turned around and faced Eggman. "Let's finish this, Eggman!"

"It will be your finish, Sonic! Behold the ultimate power of my masterpiece!" Eggman laughed

Sonic shruged. He then was about to spin-dashes to the Egg Carrier when someone or something blocked him. He was blocked by..

"Shadow?!" Sonic said, in shocked. "Zavok?!" Followed by..

"Metal?! Chaos?!" Sonic yelled.

Then something came in the middle of all of them. Sonic ran at the speed of sound but...they dodged it

"Woah! This guy is faster than Sonic!" Pikachu commented.

Sonic got sent in the air and punched to a wall. Hard.

"No wait! It's gotta be something else. Gotta scan them and figure this out." Tails then took out his miles electric and tried to scan them

Sonic dodged alot of punches but got hit a few times hard.

"What are you?"

"How are you doing-"


"Nice!" Eggman cheered.

"Tails! I need to know what's going on with these guys!" Sonic barked at them as he slowly got up.

"I'm trying, Sonic! But these readings doesn't make any senses! Tails said

Sonic got hit very hard by the people....in the air..

"Running out of time here, Tails!" Sonic yelled!

He got a few more hits. A hit to the ground..

He was knocked out

"SONIC!" Pikachu yelled

Pikachu's p.o.v

I couldn't believe it...he was knocked out..Zavok then took Sonic and put him over his shoulders and commented,

"Oh, the pain we'll give him will be TWICE as painful much as I used to give him in the past"

Tails then took my hand and ran before they could take us. After we when a little far, I made him let got of my hand. "We couldn't just go like that! We gotta help Sonic!" I said, as I got ready to defeat that Egghead after what he had done to MY BEST FRIEND. Tails stopped me and shook his head. "I know you wanted to got and defeat them. But we can't. We need to go to the HQ and tell the others what happen and get you healed" Tails said, worrieness in his eyes. "A-alright..." Both of us then took off.

With Sonic defeated, Eggman's army quickly took over

Within months, all but a few isolated areas within their control

Despite the overhelming odds, a rag-tag resistance formed banding together to continue the fight.

And now, a new face prepare to join the struggle



Next up

I’m obsessed

Also I just noticed I haven’t drew Pika in awhile so here’s her comeback

“You turn on the light”

(They’re Pikachu and Nebula if u can’t tell)

A little confession is that I had to trace the wolves but I drew the others on my own 🙏🙏

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

Almost finish with a wip!

I need to stop cause it’s getting late and I ran out of ideas for a background jsjsjs

Fanart for someone on Insta

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


Hey! How's it going?