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Me trying to get a voice actor without a noticable accent for somethige
Hearing more of it, the worse it sounds
This is twitter 95% of the time
this sure is an abandoned enigma. give me 20 dollars
Donald's Patch 1.4
Best FNaF Fangame 2024 Vs. Most Anticipated FNaF Fangame 2025
(Edit: Good news, my meme got featured in the FNaTI community and Radiance Team liked this post)
This is the only thing i like about the new UI honestly
so pretty cool thing, couldn't find any sources to play five fights at freddys, a beat em up style flash fangame so i found an archived link of it on and was able to download the .swf file of the latest version
Here's 3 posters (NOT ALL, only showing one of each character), it's a small update but it's something for now. :P
Arts by @Inky_Bun