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The Main Menu, Options Menu, and the Extras Menu.
It's been a while since our last update, so here's a new one! First of all, we've shown off the new miniboss on our twitter, so check that out! Second of all, we're working hard on new animations for Midi, so here's what we have!
Worked on some concept art. Wonder what it could be...
New trees and enemies? I have a lot planned for the next demo, so keep your eyes peeled!
Things are lookin' pretty sweet!
Gave this level a cold titlecard cuz it looked nicer
An early look at the new version of Nevile's Airship, as well as a new enemy. In other news, you'll see the demo release on September 5th, and once SAGE is over, it will be released here too!
New main menu because the old one sucked. Obviously this is wip.
REMINDER! The next full demo for Midi & Melody drops on the 20th of December! For now, here are a few more previews! Thanks for sticking around everyone, we hope to see you then!
Gave Midi a parry to make up for his lack of extra pubbles.
It's pretty simple to perform, just dash through an object that would damage you while holding the dash button.
But, the timeframe is quite tight, so you can't cheese it.