Named as "Turns Out Real"
ofically, the launch date was set for 1 january
but I failed doing so because of some reason
sorry a book revealed and not told to y'all
really sorry
Named as "Turns Out Real"
ofically, the launch date was set for 1 january
but I failed doing so because of some reason
my life ended here XD
this is when gamejolt features itself lol
Happy New Years y'all!
you can only scam when you see this
and when you scam, it's too big XD
New game page thumbnail! Unfortunately I did not had the time to update anything else and I really wanted to update the thumbnail before New Years
wait for the answers
this is most time I got notifications on gj XD
99+ XD
Franklin's Crib game page will be receiving an update soon, for now take this brand new wip screenshot! Also would you guys like to see more frequent posts?