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We've decided to push the Christmas Special to some time between the 27th and 31st, so it's not rushed.
In the mean time, have a small sneak peak!
Merry Christmas everyone!
I found a USB stick with an old game on it in my pocket.
We're gonna make sure it's safe and clean it up a bit, then post it here soon.
I already like it so much I drew a thumbnail for it :3
(This isn't the big project I mentioned earlier this month)
I found a good new (literally 4 days old) letsplay channel.
Go give him a watch and see if it's up your alley.
Another new B Kaizer!
An animation I did from August of last year.
The Christmas Special is taking a little longer than expected, but some people celebrate Christmas on January 7th, so technically it's not late.
In the mean time, here's another teaser.
That game I mentioned a few days ago is out now!
Go play her game or she'll be very upset!
Happy Valentines Day! 2