Fazbear Corporation (WIP)
6 months ago

Sorry for the 22 day long hiatus, we had some issues with the artist (overall she's feeling a bit sick). However, I can confidently say that the first animatronic, Bonnie, is 100% functional! It's all uphill from here!



Next up

heyllo again the programmer here, oh wow look at the menu!!! (EXIT button with red bars??? sus??? :fear:)

A look at one of our employees' ID Card! Consider this the first teaser of the game!

oh god please let freddy live dont eat him NOOO

yoo long time no see, your favorite (doubt) programmer with new and improved freddy fastber

woahhhhh confetti

The facility's map with the corresponding department's initials & color. Try to guess what they are! This will get updated over time.

art comission.

Another house i made long time ago.

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram