So yeah.
Brotherly Betrayal will consist of 3 songs! The two you know already and one more!
More stuff with also happen too.
So yeah.
Brotherly Betrayal will consist of 3 songs! The two you know already and one more!
More stuff with also happen too.
BTW it is false that you can't loop a song on soundcloud mobile. Did u get it right?
Google Gemini treating me like a child.
@skrakkat- (Ps you don't have to do it)
Guess my characters from the silhouettes! First one needs name. Others can just be game.
Does anyone wanna make the gaster character for me using this?
Why is the ball that big? I don't remember it being like that
So I'm shifting my focus back to this game.
Does someone wanna try make a gaster one of these for this?
If so read article.
The full vid to show what your art will be used for.