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Chapter 3.1 is now available for download! Who died? Who lived?
Let's have some spooks! The DRZ Halloween Special is available now!
Sometimes the wait is worth it, Chapter 4.1 of Danganronpa Z will be released on May 12th!
Yes an early release, but a release none the less! Danganronpa Z Chapter 2.2 is available for download!
Halfway there... Danganronpa Z Chapter 3.3 is FINALLY available for download!
Something wicked this way comes... Danganronpa Z CHapter 4.1 is available for download!
Chapter 3.1 will be release on November 1st! There will be tons of pink blood.
One down, another to go. Danganronpa Z Chapter 3.3 will release on January 10th.
Truths, lies, and more blood will be shed... or was? Chapter 3.2 will release on December 10th!
So much blood it had to be delayed. Danganronpa Z Chapter 3.2 is now available! (not the last part of chapter 3....)