Scopophobia (In Development)
10 months ago

Sorry to say but the thing i was planning to do might be delayed since i gotta work on drawing stuff for the game oof



Next up

Echoes from the dead below.

Decided to do a design change and give them all noses lol

Sorry for the lack of communication, busy with school and all, but im still working on the game dw!! Have a quick look at the menu @jaydotmp3 coded a while back!!! Wanted to show it before but forgot lol

Hey yall!! Sorry for not being active, was busy and all but i managed to redraw all our friends here!! Kept it a secret in july because i didn't wanna reveal them until they were all finished, hope you guys like our friends's new looks!!

Not responsible for death or injury.

He's a bat now lol

Merry (late) Christmas!

We're all mad here. (New banner art for the game!)
