6 months ago
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Lyra: "I'm Not Calling You "Good Boy" Boyfriend that rap battle was SHIT"
4 days till crismaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is unfair. (I feel horrible for the Noodle mod developer.)
Alyssa 🥶
(from SSN: Bloodhunter)
I'm hyped for the Noodle mod
Remaster Connor and Legacy Connor loool?!!?!!!
that moment the "my younger sibling stole my account" meme becomes a legit problem I censored my little siblings names because privacy.
Kelly in a nutshell
assistant manager.dmg but I'm lazy
Cutely reports and claims quote on quote "your" work