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I'll just write an article today. Meanwhile I wrote this on a new little sketchbook. After all, you wanna be a [[BIG SHOT]]!!! But how? How can you be?
I ruined this drawing. Still fun fanfiction though. [[Spamshi]]
You'll be here all day if I had to explain.
Smeshariki destruction ✨️✨️✨️
where did i find this ?
Dress of [[Freedom]] <3
God damn it kris.
"Attack Of The Killer Nyu-Nyu" beta release is here! This was strangely easy so far to pitch shift the melody correctly...?
I 100% failed this. I can't draw digitally.
To do this I literally had to trace my own traditional art since I suck that badly.
commission for razfraz
Какая ещё фижма?! Хватит выдумывать!! [What is a pannier?! Stop making things up!] I already posted this on my channel but oh well. #smeshariki #memes (I'm so bad at digital art, don't expect me to make those.)