Hello everybody! We have reached our mark and we can join the #adventurejam with our game!
Speak of the Cloud is a game done for only four people that wanted to share an interesting story. The adventure of Fenix.
There are a lot of things that we couldn’t include in the game because we ran out of time. In only two weeks we have done a lot of amazing graphics, more than 1000 frames of animation and some interesting systems (inventory, 3-action system in objects, strange voices, etc.)
But this is not the end of the story. We have the compromise to improving the game with a lot of puzzles (some of them are awesome), more characters and if you want.. maybe more chapters. The tale of Fenix hides many mysteries and we want to tell you all the truth (if you can discover it)
We expect that you enjoy Speak of the Cloud, follow us and give us your feedback to improve!!