8 hours ago

speed demon movement concept



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my take on a kris spamton KRIS i don't feel like makin a new name dawg

gaster take

help me i can't think of shit to draw

Gamejolt idea cause I don't have permissions to put post in their community: Pepino Sticker

Undertale: Something Sweet

undertale but like

their all based on sweets

Sour head a up and coming cooking rapper

(That whole thing if monster and bf fused. Fun facts about them and how I do fusions if I ever do this again)

the funny non skeleton underswap take sans's with pap's colors who are both cowboys gang serif garamond from groundswap by @KB63

and my sans from solarlegend

a sonic inspired character imma call them speed demon that uhh thats uhh it about them

This is AntoƱito. He is a gardener and his favourite food is the soup. He will get his own game. He is the one who hacked the wikipedia some few months and the intelectual owner of the black death and the bat soup.

toriel and nasptablook their feeling very flat right now