The Escape To Freddy's
16 days ago

spoiler (easter egg character)


Since he showed up in the dev commentary, here's a closer look at "Toy freddy". He's based on how there was inexplicable thumbnails related to TRTF1 with toy freddy mentioned there. Very glad we were able to throw our own weird toy freddy edit into the ring.


This leaves only one easter egg character yet to be discovered... I'm sure you'll find them eventually



Next up

How many of you freaks (affectionate) would be excited for a remake of this?

2.0 update development's going great (working on a minigame)

Working on the title screen some more... is going great... might work on the office a bit too... next preview video soon idkk.....

While we're getting things underway for a 2.0 update, I might as well ask; if we were to do a Mike mode (basically, a redoing of actual TRTF1 but ETF-Flavoured), what would you like to see in it?

that's a lot of tips


Incase you didn't watch the dev commentary...

Sorry (Game not dead read the post)

If anyone's noticed any bugs / mistakes / problems in the game, please tell us.

We want to keep patching to a minimum, but we're also not going to ignore problems, so we're hoping to get most of the problems fixed with a single patch.
