For those who can't reead the image:
Hey everyone, some of you might not know what the fuck i'm talking about, but it's like a saga of games that has 1 character in common: Begsalon. This special character is a 32x32px drawing i made as a little girl, and it's LITERALLY a red smiley face with a black background. and it's a fucking square. I don't know how the heck it turned into a semi-god of the besalon's universe, but the only thing i know is the following: it is a glitch. Yeah, let me explain the story myself:
Begsalon was a man that loved his wife and his kids. he had a full family, full of love and happiness. But, one day, one of the plushies that one of the kids had, turned into a demon. The "Freddy Plushie" was now possesed, and killed the kid. Begsalon was so angry, that he started to search a way to kill the plushie. And he found out that he could trap the plushie into a computer, and then, the demon couldn't exit the computer. But, not everything goes well, right? Begsalon trapped himself inside with the plushie in an intense fight. Now, he was trapped in a computer. Now, he is a virus that goes everywhere searching a way to kill the plushie, deleting your content on the computer when he finds the demon, but, the demon is so fast that begsalon could never kill the plushie.
Yeah, good story. But now: What i'm going to say is that i'll be pausing Cruelaria until new advice, because i want to have all the begsalon universe ordered chronologically in my games. So yeah, this are the games order:
1. Explorer of Darkness (REMASTERED)
2. Beg's Big Adventure (REMASTERED)
3. SNAB (Six Nights at Begsalon)
4. Cruelaria
5. Humania (REMASTERED)
6. Futurania
7. The Final Platformer
8. Paper Beg
9. Final Words
Thank you for reading! Hope you understand the situation
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