8 years ago

Spoopy Vidar

Hi friends!

What a fun and strange week this has been. After the last content patch went out, I focused on fixing additional bugs in the demo that I discovered back in Austin. The demo is ever-more-stable, and those fixes made their way into the main game as well, including various rare crashes and bugs, text fixes, etc. These were all made because I was showing Vidar at yet another event, Playcrafting’s Halloween Expo!

This time, Vidar had its own entire room. We had a spooky set-up replete with blacklights and cobwebs (to celebrate the addition of Spiders in the last patch, of course), big banners and plenty of candy. Still more bugs were discovered (of course, right?) but the demo was so delightfully stable! And my favorite thing, instead of people asking “when is this going to be released?” the question instead was “is this released?” That gave me quite the confidence boost, to be sure.

Next week we’ll have the “Union” content patch which has three pretty unrelated quests (plus a reworking of one quest), and that’s slowly driving me crazy. One of those quests - “Family Time” - is already done, and I’m glad to have it, because it fills an interesting roll in the game. Assuming the necessary conditions are met, “Family Time” is only available for one day; if you don’t receive it then, you’ll never get it. Once you receive it though, you can take your time to complete it. It’s an interesting mechanic that I think encourages repeated exploration of Vidar, which is something I want to encourage. Expect more of these types of quests to come in future content patches.

We’ve given out Steam keys to nearly everyone who got one through the Kickstarter. The only ones left are the handful of Linux users, and I think we’ll be able to get them taken care of next week. Then onwards to those who requested direct download.

That’s all for this week - make sure to get your tickets for GaymerX East so you can play Vidar with me!

Dean is the head of Razbury Games, developer of Vidar, an RPG Puzzler Where Everyone Dies. Pre-order it on the website, and keep in touch with twitter.



Next up

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* 8 new event cards

* 1 crazy new boss…

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Vidar's Library

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Turkey Coma