That’s right spring is here and I have my first seasonal build. I been wanting to do this for awhile and with build 0.6.0, I finally got the chance. With this build you notice some differences. First, it looks a little different because I’ve used the HTML5 build method in Unity. It didn’t work to well for me before but now with Unity’s current stable version, it worked like a charm! Why is this awesome for you, it’s just running in the browser, no more needed the unity player download. Thanks friend Matt for letting me know about your issues with playing the game. Because of you, decided to risk this new build earlier than anticipated.
Now that’s not all. The game itself is different. It has new assets and the point system has been upgraded. I also have a special guest asset that I know you guys are going to have fun with. Look out for the red bow. My friend April wanted this character in it, so I did so. You can blame her for your score! LOL! I just could have it in the game without a little pain, ha, ha, ha (evil Doctor Doom laugh). Anyway, I will only have this build up for 1 month than it’s back to the regular build. I will be making more season builds in the future.
I plan to have the basic game completed with AI by the end of Spring. After that I’ll be adding more to it ie, power ups, scoreboard and API just to name a few things. So have fun and feel free to throw me some feedback. I read them all. Game ON!