The Original Story Goes that a Person was an Intern for Nickelodeon, and that him and his editor team would watch the episodes early before them being aired, they were investigating why Season 4 was getting delayed by a few months. They got a tape that they thought was a copy of the episode: "Fear of a Krabby Patty", but then they saw the title card for the episode.

When they saw the text say: "Squidward's Suicide", they thought it was a gag title card as the animators sometimes goof off by putting funny text instead of the episode titles [For Example: How Sex Doesn't Work - Rock-a-bye Bivalve]. The Episode Starts Off in Squidward's House, where he has a Big Performance that Evening. He practices the clarinet for a while but gets distracted by SpongeBob and Patrick goofing off. Squidward tells them to knock it off, and they both sadly say "Okay", it then continues with him practicing the clarinet but then cuts to evening, where Squidward would perform his clarinet playing. After a while, the audience start to whisper something to each other, and then proceed to boo on Squidward's performance. SpongeBob was there too, also booing, which was instantly uncharacteristic of him as he'd never do that to Squidward, the audience had hyper realistic red eyes for some reason, they then let, angrily. It then cuts to Midnight, where Squidward goes home and sits on the bed, as he thinks that his life is ruined forever, he starts crying, as the static sound and forest breeze sounds and laughter linger, and then for a split second, there was a photo of a dead child which looks 6 y/o, the corpse was mutilated very heavily, it then cuts back to Squidward sobbing on the bed, and then another picture of a different dead child appears for a split second, with the same fate as the first one, and as Squidward's sobbing scene continues, there's now a scene of someone pulling out a dead child's intestines, which looked like a GIF.

It then cut to the very infamous image of Squidward with bloodshot eyes for 10 seconds before static comes into the image and Squidward starts to sob louder. One of the interns then vomited after seeing the GIF of a child's intestines pulled out. And then the other intern contacted the creator of SpongeBob, Steven Hillenberg, he then gets into the room, and then a scene of Squidward holding a double barrel shotgun appears while the voices say "DO IT.", he then shoots himself with the shotgun. Steven Hillenberg gets frustrated and questions who is responsible for this. The interns and Steven Hillenberg rewatch the episode and then it ends with the interns asking people who work here to check what's wrong, they see nothing wrong at all. The Bodies of the dead children weren't found yet.

~<≈{What Will be Changed a Bit}≈>~
You may be asking, "What will you change in the Retake?", I will mostly change nothing, except the fact that the pictures of the dead children are completely hand drawn, and the GIF where a child's intestines are pulled out will have some random monster pulling out the intestines with its mouth. The Animation Will Be Completely Animated by my memory and logic, Almost Nothing Within The Story Will Be Changed. There Will Also Be a Warning at The Start of the Video.
The Warning Image:

That's all lads, hope you enjoy the video when it'll come out!
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