The update features a Christmas Event - monsters may drop snowflake items which you can exchange in Finon from Santa’s Helper for unique and valuable rewards.

A new mini dungeon, the Osisle Lighthouse, has surfaced and is now accessible. It is located on the northern end of the island.

A Collecting System - buy a drill and come to the collecting field, north passage from Finon. You can find minerals, potions, Enhance-A, and other valuables.

Level 70 unique sets (not obtainable from NPCs) for each job - when the full set is equipped, a set bonus is granted! Each set has a different bonus, 1 for each job. They will be dropped from dungeon bosses, and rarely, by monsters.

And lastly, semi functional PVP is implemented. Not all skills are working, so it is far from finished. The PVP arena can be located from an NPC in Finon.
And other additions and fixes. I am currently working on level 70 unique sets, which will provide useful stat boosts when the entire set is equipped. I will also be running various double EXP and droprate weekends during the remainder of the month, and into January. Stay tuned.