Hello Everyone, Today's my birthday and the final Friday of the month, so let's review all the work I've done over the past month.
I've finished making all of the skills, they're is about 500 of them so I was starting to run out of ideas near the end, but I think I made them all unique enough. Now all I have to do is some minor rebalancing and everything should ready.
Yeah that's it. In combination of the sheer amount of skills (500 is a lot when your trying to make each one semi unique from each other and also be worth it) and me putting my nose into the fucking grindstone to get them done, I was a bit burnt out. So I took a small break to do some other shit. Helped me get new perspective on some things, new ideas for skills, ideas on how to not make items suck ass past a certain point, ideas for alternate weapons, etc. From playing shit like Ultrakill (amazing game btw, made me feel like I was on cocaine the entire time) and Fnaf Security Breach, it allowed me to gain a better grasp on some of these ideas, and gave me a lot more music to steal. So yeah, not much done this month, but I hope you understand that it wasn't because I wasn't trying, but so that I didn't try to bash my skull through my bedroom wall.
Thank you for 63 followers haha funny sex swap number, may the number grow ever more as it needs to satiate my massive ego.
See you next month,
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