Sensational Studios' UNDERSWAP

3 years ago

SS!UNDERSWAP - Christmas Update! 🎅 12/25/21


Ho ho ho everyone!


Santa's left the Undertale community with a little present and that's this new dev-log!
Hope you all are getting the gifts you asked for!

Now let's finally get into the new things we got cooking up here in the studio!


Revamped Starting Area - THE ABYSS

So I'd like to make clear an issue we've been having with the area involving Temmie's introduction; We haven't really like it too much and were constantly changing it due to it lacking a real good punch to start off SS!UNDERSWAP.

But as of this dev-log we are content with the new area and what we've done to make Temmie's introduction more unique than anything you've ever seen before!


Sam really likes the new name.

New Huge Gameplay Changes!

We can't show you much due to spoilers!

Although, with the completion of our solid Temmie introduction... We decided to add new gameplay elements that would fit the new uniqueness of this fangame better than what we had planned. And to really pull through on our idea with Temmie for this take.

We do promise this with our new mechanic:

  • It will be in the overworld and battle!

  • It won't slow down the game!

  • It will be customizable!

  • It adds onto the original Undertale experience!

This sadly means our original plan for the Skill System is no longer in the game...
Though this is a good thing actually! The system really wasn't looking to well and no longer fit the theme that we are going for now. I am afraid it wasn't living up to the original intentions and had to go.

Though, this new system is ready to go and has been implemented solidly into the game already!

Deltarune Mechanics Also Exist Btw

Well... yeah!

These have been in the game for sometime now.
It's an Undertale fangame and I'm pretty sure that any fangame by this point has this system installed. It's like a requirement now has anyone noticed that?!

Jokes aside, the original system wasn't working too well as we couldn't find a solid way of making it subtle and less of a chore to look at. Something very small was the first thought, but after some time we just stuck to what worked and came up with a simple UI design!


Nothing too fancy but it works!
Not to mention we also fixed some major bugs with the system and now it works perfectly!

But that's not all!


We've also added the sliding mechanic from Deltarune Chapter 2 into this as well!
We don't know when it'll be used but it's a nice touch along side the overworld dodging!

Save System Rework


A lot of things had to redone these last for months due to me being lazy and not wanting to do the smallest amount of things.

Pro tip, don't be lazy, it hurts your butt!

The save system finally got a proper UI element and a timer finally! Yeah that's right. Sensation didn't add a timer in for the longest time! And he's also speaking in the third person.
But the stats display properly now!

We also decided to add a little Chara UI fidget up top because Undertale Bits and Pieces is really getting to me right now...
@BlaizeMayes1 this is your fault. THE CHILD IS TOO ADORABLE.

We also updated the continue screen to better fit the vibe of each area now!


This is an example of when you load in The Abyss!

More Sneak Peaks at OLD HOME

We've redone some rooms due to the new mechanic!

Giving more exploration to the player at hand now!
We can't wait to see what you find!

Here is some new screen shot of areas you're likely to see in SS!UNDERSWAP!



Sadly no new music tracks this develog-
We do have an update cover of our title theme that plays when you boot up the game!


Along with this, we've also gone through and redone most of our entire soundcloud thumbnails!

So let this be a reminder to go through and check out some of our OST!
Snowy is so amazing and talented at what he does, so go give these tracks a listen!

That's all folks!

Thank you all for reading this devlog and that you all have an AMAZING HOLLIDAY!

Sensational Studios' wishes you all a great Christmas break and great Chirstmas day!



We were going to save this for it's own post but we thought we'd mention it in our devlog for Christmas!

2 years seems like such a small amount but dang it's been a blast! Thanks UT community for this! And we'll continue that ride for years to come!

- Meow!




Next up

New Batch of Art / Music!

The Porcagiest Approaches! (+ Music)

Coffee Shop (+ Music)

Hey everyone!

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

SS!Underswap October Update! SMALL DEV-LOG.

( New Sprites! Battle System Update! New Cutscenes! Lemon Sans? Deltarune System! New and Updated Music! )

Chara says, "Hi!". Chara likes when you say, "Hi!" back! Y O U B E T T E R S A Y H I B A C K. (please.)



New Title Screen!