Hey guys. As you can see by the title, Project EXE has been given a whole new fresh start. What happened was FrostJam has been unable to open the file because I never installed the updated version of Unity, which I later did and the installation sucked like hell but I got it working and now here we are still working.
Will the release be delayed?
No. The release will not be delayed. FrostJam is a very hard and efficient worker and coder and I’m very glad to have him on my side. He finished up most of the coding and we are still working on some of it and some final textures and lighting as well.
What was changed?
Almost nothing, really. I updated Metallic Ballora and Metallic Freddy a bit, and the lighting is looking amazing! I’m happy to say that there will be no delay in the release of Project EXE. However, Metallic LOLbit will no longer be in the game as I lost the original file.
Are there any easter eggs we should look out for?
Yes, in fact there is one in Alpha 1 you should keep your eyes out for. Thanks to FrostJam for the idea!
Anything else?
Yes. I just wanted to say a big thanks to FrostJam for helping me with the game. Without him, the game wouldn’t be where it is today. Also, thank you guys so much for sticking with me through all this and I really hope you guys are hyped for Project EXE as much as I am.