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Even more environmental upgrades for Silent Falls. Includes prolog level details, keep y'all updated! #silent #enviroment #horror #2020 #world #dev #sf #indie #psychological #survival #retro #enviromental #update #teamsilent #lighting #ambience
Working on inking the typeface for Silent Falls! Many unique challenges ahead to overcome
IT WORKS!!!! The teleport script works ❤️!!!!
been focusing my quarantine time on the lighting and environment in Silent Falls. As well as a bit of plot work! The lighting engine received yet another massive overhaul looks amazing 😉 #update #SilentFalls #TeamSilent #environmental
Working through some environmental design thought process, making headway!
Experimenting with texture, as well as problem solving my methods of school layout and design.
In only a few hours I managed to write a functional camera zoom script! Lookin good
I am experimenting a bit with texture work as well as figuring out my process to level design for the Nightmare Dimension
Silent Falls - Lost Identity
Riamu is struggling to figure out their own gender identity in a dystopian mirror of the reality they live in. Solve puzzles, and survive the onslaught of demonic manifestations of their own mind.
Now in early development!
Today, I am starting work on the Nightmare Dimension of the game, this is the location where most of the game takes place.