-> myself, probrably because i'm not that good at collaboration, i often don't communicate very well, i dont know if people really want to help me out with such projects, and all of this is making this process slow as hell. i'll post here whenever major news come.

9 months ago
Status Report:
The team has been reduced a bit to more of my closer friends in this community and Jester, as you can probrably tell, has been remodeled to look closer to Scott's style.
It's been hard to make projects lately since I often feel down on ->
Next up
90s Tree
He's back
Big credit to @phantomisdead96 for making this Jester clock model!
More Poli
Updates the sequel:
Here it is, my first ever drawing of Jester, named Jexter at the time
Old reference photo for Jester
The Amazing Digital Circus 35mm Trailer