Hi, my name is Sil. And I want to thank each and every one of you. This is the first of my GameJolt creations to surpass 1,000 followers. I wish I could thank you all individually, but this post would be longer than the Great Wall of China.
Anyway, just wanted to give a message.
My finals are coming up and this means that progress on this is going to possibly come to a complete halt. But don't worry! In the middle of April, activity on this will speed up again and continue. I'm also waiting on translations and music (done by an amazing team) so this is the perfect time to stall... for now, at least.
Thank you all again. Really, you have no idea how much you all mean to me.
My closing words on this post is that I ask you to PLEASE be patient. This is a highly ambitious project and I want to make it the best thing that I possibly can before I release the demo. I don't have a release period yet, but I do want to get a demo done sometime this year.