Get Out of My Way I'm Trying to Eat You
10 years ago

Stay tuned for more platforming

For whatever reason this game has had a huge jump in view traffic as of late, so while you’re here, I’ll tell you about a new game similar to this that’s coming soon.

If you liked GOOMWITTEY and are not already following it, you should! Because I’m making another tough-as-nails platformer with better controls, more obstacles (such as wall turrets, double jump coins, and homing missiles), achievements, and a leaderboard for speedrunning. It’ll be pretty awesome, and it’s nearly done. So stay tuned!

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Coming Soon! #Nojong

For some reason, it's really hard to change the alpha value of a tile layer in GameMaker. You can do this easily for sprite or instance layers, but not tile layers. So here's a video on how to easily update the alpha value of tile layers in real time.


Nojong, an arcade mashup of Tetris and Mahjong is out now!

Remake is Nearing Here’s a screenshot of a new world. It’s a glitch world and It’s weird.

I'm currently making a Tetris + Mahjong hybrid game called #Nojong. Match colored blocks in the field to make clears. After a number of clears, the blocks left in your hand are scored, so you want to try and keep triples and quadruples in your hand.

10 More Levels Just for fun I added a harder version of world 1 with inverted colors! You can get to it from a tough to reach spot on level 2-10. Here is a screenshot of it, you might recognize the level.


Menu system of the future! #Nojong

Wonder if anyone can guess what kinda game I'm working on right now with this GameJolt session data as the only clue. I bet someone can sleuth it out!