It's hard to fit everything in but the good news is Slaughter School HAS progressed in the last while! I actually think, cautiously, it'll be out on Android this month.
I've changed it all graphically as the images were too small for a smartphone screen. It's back to a portrait mode, like the original Slaughter Horse. I'd show you but it's ugly AF - everything's a placeholder. I'm debating whether to go with a pixel look again or just use regular artwork. As the girls are no longer randomly generated (it just looked weird) and I'd like to have an option to have alternative avatar options, probably I'll just keep it regular graphics.
It's pretty much the same game as Slaughter Horse, minus the ponies which might help it have a broader appeal. As a nod to the original though, I'd like one of those alterative avatar options to be ponies anyway!
While the same game, my coding is better than it was a few years ago and the whole thing is tighter and there's a bit more subtlety in the AI. Examples:
The Ghola Liar can now not only frame an innocent, she can also make her fellow Gholas LOOK innocent to the Newshound - and, to a lesser extent, the Sleuth.
The Nurse x Bodyguard was a great combo if you could find them, being able to protect each other. I like this mechanic, but I've made it a tad less OP - you can still use it, but there's a 25% chance the BG will go above and beyond and end up past the Nurse's ability to save her.
The reports in the first game were basic and always read the same. There is much more variety in them now - much more flavor text.
A huge thanks to the Slaughter Horse Wiki, which has been extremely useful this whole time, reminding me of things I'd forgotten and pointing out bugs and exploits I needed to deal with!
Next up
Saturday update
Slaughter Horse 2 continues development, not ready soon as I hoped but getting there! If you'd like to stay really abreast of it, please join the Discord server at Screenshots: The Preacher's church and your cloak in progress.
Unfortunately The Game Creators uploaded a fix for the export problem but something to do with Java is still preventing AGK exporting a APK for the play store. This is an issue for all users and not just me, so hopefully they'll get it sorted soon.
Slaughter School version 1.0.5
Slaughter Horse 2 now listed as coming soon on Steam. If you had a mind to put it on your wishlist, that would be smashing - wishlisting games helps them succeed more than you realise! Store page is over at: Cheers!
A play through of an early build of Slaughter School.
I was asked if there was a Slaughter Horse Discord server, which there wasn't. But it's a good idea, so now there is. Feel free to join!
Thursday Update
Happy to announce that the first build of Slaughter School is now live on the Play Store!…