2 months ago

"Stop... Stop the song... Please..."

I was replaying TS!UNDERSWAP (Ruthless), when I went and rested in the attic, I saw this drawing.

Based on Earthbound Beginnings.



Next up


This is a preview of the Test Build, the Battle Test is not ready for now, I changed the font and some items are added

(sorry for the quality, it's my first time using OBS)

Well, guess what?

UNDERTALE: LEMON FLAVOR (Test Build) is released!

And I wanna teach you how to play in Windows and EasyRPG Player. You can play in Android even!

"That teenager now has to go through a story, each page reveals what once should have ended long ago."

(Based on the story mode description on the DONTFORGET page)

TS!UNDERSWAP Demo v2.0.0 Released

Demo 1 Progress...

Dev Update - April 2024

UNDERTALE: LEMON FLAVOR - Development Log # 2: Test Build Status.


We are close...

Dev Update - December 2024

Some images for the UNDERTALE: Lemon Flavor - Test Build shop before going to sleep