Freddyland: Security Plus
3 years ago

Story and some mechanics updates


1: Freddy will be an ally/enemy that will depend on the day and... well how the story unfolds ;3

2: Jake will have something to do with Vanessa.

3: The remnant will be Jake's motivation.

4: Freddy will have something to do with the story and why some animatronics came back to protect and others to attack.

5: Freddy will now have a stronger bond with Jake.

6: The monster of the pit will now be canonical

7: He planned for Freddy to have a somewhat sadistic yet protective attitude.

8: The souls of the Showtime Rocking Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy and G... are the original souls.

9: The Vandalizated will not appear in the first chapter but only in the second one and they will be the enemies to defeat together with another guest.

10: Showtime Freddy will be in both episodes.

11: A puppet is hidden

12: We will be reincarnated again as a security guard.

13: The setting will be inspired by the 80's along with a dark setting inspired by the classic FNaF

Stay Alert


1: Freddy será un aliado/enemigo eso dependerá del día y… bueno como se vaya desarrollando la historia ;3

2: Jake tendrá que ver algo con Vanessa

3: El remanente será la motivación de Jake 

4: Freddy tendrá que ver con la historia y del por qué algunos animatronicos volvieron para proteger y otros para atacar 

5: Freddy tendrá ahora un vínculo más fuerte con Jake

6: El mounstro del pozo ahora será canónica 

7: Planeó que Freddy tenga una actitud algo sadica y a la vez protectora 

8: La alma de los Showtime Rocking Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy y G… son las almas originales

9: Los Vandalizated no aparecerán en el primer capítulo si no que hasta el segundo y estos serán los enemigos a vencer junto a otro invitado

10: Showtime Freddy estará en ambos capítulos

11: Una marioneta está escondida 

12: Volveremos a reencarnar como un guardia de seguridad 

13: La ambientación será inspirada en los 80 junto a una ambientación obscura inspirada en los clásicos FNaF

Estén alerta 



Next up

Show Stage and General Area complete

Scrapped teasers


MMMMMM pizza

Rat Race Production Update

Maybe the trailer will be ready in 2022

Stay Alert

An apology for my absence, I have been emotionally and mentally unwell.

I've been trying to cannon Chucky in my Fnaf fan-game (sounds a bit illogical but if you get everything right it's possible to connect).