2 months ago

Story Of Julian And Friends (Not 100% Accurate)

so basically julia and friends was realeased a few days ago and now im gonna try and tell the story of this game now SPOILERS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVENT PLAYED IT if you dont want to be spoiled i reccomend you click off this post anyway the game starts with you booting into an esratech launcher esra tech is the compony who made j and f then you have an option to input code list of codes achivements settings and finally exit if you click input code you need to enter a 6 digit code to play the game however the base game can be played without a code when you launch the base game it shows the esra tech logo and then it plays a theme song with the lyrics "in imagination town theres some people to be found with their own small family you will meet them wait and see" and then it explains stuff about the characters now you are introduced to julian he looks alot better in here then in 98xx and he asks us our name then we meet julia who goes outside to run a few errands then julian tells us that its julia's birthday and that he is planning a suprise party for her so first he goes outside then we can navigate through each of the games im not gonna go into too much detail but here it is firstly gearlds mini game is that you need to sort his stores belongings darcy you need to dance with anglica you need to do a frog choir and then julian makes you go into the ocean and find 6 sea crystals (this man is a better husband then i am as a friend) and then julian goes to mr write to make a card for julia then julian comes home with everyone and they all shout SUPRISE when julia arrives then she gets a party and we unlock another code now this code is pretty much the same thing but however it has some 4th wall breaking elements to it and all the games are diffrent and little more negative but whos supirsed this is the universe of 98xx then you get another code where things start to go a little bit on the lore elements of this game julia just runs off to do some "stuff" then if you go to gearld hes not speaking he is just staring at a picture of "jenny peterson" julian is confused as when he moves the pic gearlds eyes move towards them julian decdies to leave and only when he decides to leave gearld looks at the door then if you go to darcy she is staring at a picture of what probably appears to be munkford's (the bad guy in 98xx) wife and daughter probably cause darcy is munkfords wife and daughter then if you go to mr write julian wont find him anywhere and then he goes upstiars then some glitchy things start happening and he is teleported back downstairs with mrwrite asking telling him to be ok basically but right at the end he says "NOTHING IS REAL" darcy also said something like that then if you go to anglica she'll read you a story ill get onto this story later since its very importent to the lore but anyway once you get back home the screen glitches and then were back and when they're about to say suprise julia is completely black with all eyes and mouth being white and creepy (i guess the "stuff" she wanted to do was jump into black paint" and then everyone else also turns like that and then we get a "corrupted code" which is just creepy to say the least firstly the "game created by jacksong13" isnt there and the game is glitching out with it trying to play the same game but glitching misrebly then it zooms into julians house and julian starts going all scary then we get the normal cutsecne alright i just reversed the audio of everything turns out the only thing that could me maked out by reversing it is when gearld asks his final question he answer is in reverse and it says "the answers life" probably implying and also based on the rest of his questions that he is gary the one who got in a car crash and killed munkfords wife and daughter and whats even more convicing is that the backround is full of beer bottles which is what gary was drinking when he crashed and ill let you play the games for yourself if you wanna know the rest then if you type the code that the game tells you not to type it'll show red text saying "your too late" and then it shows julians house destoryed the screen is blood- I mean ketchup thats totally ketchup red and the house is full of ketchup now you can navigate in certain areas by clicking and it makes up a code and if you go upstairs and enter the code it'll show all the character either dead cut up or tied up now lets peice the story with this one thing i forgot is that at the end of the corrupted code julian screams that he didnt mean it he didnt mean to write a bad review on munkfords game jumping julian HE is jason strom gearld is gary summers now there is one thing that is very confusing why did gearld or gary stare ata picture of jenny was he friends with jenny? I dont know this but anyway lets get to the story anglica told us now replace these characters in the story the princess is munkford's wife's daughter the queen is munkfords wife and the king is the owner of calvis games the person munkford's wife cheated on but here in julian and friends we learn something darcy or munkford's wife only did this for the good of her family implying that munkford may have been abusive bro my man munkford be having some anger issues so basically in the story that anglica told munkford came and murdered both the owner of calvis games aka his brother andrew and then munkford callede out for his daughter and his daughter came to him and then she also gets trapped GODDAMN IT JHON MUNKFORD CHILL OUT BRO now since darcy is munkford's wife gearld is gary and julian is jason storm who is mr write he can only be one person and that is andrew calvis games and there is the same creepy face we have seen in jacksons community post and in 98xx math game and it says the dialouge "i saw it all" if you go to mrwrites section so this is implying that red face is andrew and he saw everything and that would make sense hes his brother but how did they get to julian and friends but how did they get in j and f we freed them in 98xx.... or did we? In the next code you see the developer (the real one) jacksonG13 on the computer in his "hideout" and he tells us that esratech cant be trusted implying esratech may be behind some dark things now if you get to the rebooted video which i forgot how check the description then you'll find a few things firstly it says in number order like the postions the numbers are in you need to convert them into letters for example 6 will be the 6th letter in the alphabat so when you convert this you will get "find the keys" and then there are mispelled words which make up




and finally shelf

now these things are present in the game you need to go code by code and in each area you will find a key you will find the first key in the normal game in the ocean then in the second game in the forest then thrid code in the tire swing then fourth code in gearlds area now in the "do not enter" code there is a chest and if you got these keys you can unlock this chest which leads you to 2 codes the first one are just a bunch of symbols now the second one is backwards and it translates to lowercase is key and what this means is that when you type these symbols you hold the shift key and type numbers but if you do it without the shift key it will only type numbers now use this method and convert these into numbers and you will get 36 20 5 19 21 2 10 5 3 20 35 34 now idk if this is 100% accurate but this is what i got (ty to bijuu mike and his video) and if you go to bijuu mikes video he shows a code in julian and friends steam page now there are 36 characters in it and the last one is a slash now count each number for example type the 20th letter and do the same for the rest and you will get the wesite link /testsubject98 and if you type 98xxworld.com/testsubject98 you will get something to download now download this file and go to the julian and friends gamefiles there is a testsubject dat file bring it to the test subject file and then open the testsubject application it will show a lock and when you open it you will be in a house most likely munkford and his families house now this looks like an odinary house but there are items and you need to collect these items in an order first you need to get the baloons then some colourful thing on the floor then the ckae in the kitchen then outside get the candles and finally get the present on the table it will give you a code enter this code in the esratech laucncher and you will find someone they will first congratulate us for our efforts for being here then they will tell us that they created a monster and jackson from the hideout code told us that esratech cant be trusted imlying this women here might be the owner of esratech and she is the one responsible to force jackson to create mitergnah and she also tells us she is only real one left and the rest of them have moved on to better places or others not so much which mitergnah is probably responsible for and she tells us to cherish our time as a real person cause one day it will end and then the game ends showing the credits now if you try to type that code in again it wont work now here is what the story may be this girl we just saw is the one responsible to force mitergnah to continue to be created for some reason and she is forcing jackson to continue to make it if you check the devlogs it will show jackson writing about his struggles trying to get rid of mitergnah.exe but when he finally thaught he could get rid of him the girl forced him to continue to make him but now they both are trapped probably by mitergnah however all hope isnt lost as in the reboot video it annonces a new game called 98xx rebooted according to jackson this is gonna be spilt into 3 separate games and here we might be able to free everyone for now what i think is not only did that girl bring back mitergnah she also brought back everyone trapped inside the game in their respective characters trapping them in there for the rest of their lifes. And that is it for the story of julian and friends BIG THANKS to this user from the 98xx discord server to help me with that chest code i was sturggling with that alot thanks ya'll for reading my thoeries and by the way im gonna make a video when all versions of rebooted are realsed this game was great and i hope ya'll have a great day



Next up

Definition of a coward lmfao

Julian And Friends Fanart


I Recreated The 98xx Logo. The One On The Left And With Higher Quality Is Mine, And The One On The Right And With Lower Quality Is The Original.

43 41 4C 56 49 53 20 53 54 55 44 49 4F 53 20 31 39 34 38

new banner more simple i like simple things

Do You Ever Wonder Why Death Happens? Death Comes Unexpectedly. The Moment You're Fine, And Then It All Ends. So If You're Listening, ƎIႧTƧUMUOYƎIႧTƧUMUOYƎIႧTƧUMUOYƎIႧTƧUMUOYƎIႧTƧUMUOY... Y̴͕̮͌̈́Ȏ̸̡U̶͓̣͂M̵̞̹̈́U̵̩͆S̶̜͎͝Ṫ̴̩̀D̵̮͗I̴̜̰̋E̸̠̎̕! :)))))))))))))...