8 months ago

StoryTime :>

[Title: The Incident]

(Part 2)



[At the hospital]

Normal wakes up seeing Easy asleep holding his hand..he decided to go back to sleep…

AND NOW… Continuing the storyline

-“damn…who could ever done this to our friend?..” said Insane looking concerned at his buddy Harder

-“I have no idea..should we check up on em?” said Harder giving a confusing and worried expression

-“well…lets see how they’re doing…” said Insane

The duo walked to the hospital and went to check in on the two…as they enter however Easy has looked shocked and pale like he seen a ghost…as the duo looked at what he’s looking at… they became shocked too…Harder went to get the doctors as Insane tries to wake him up..

-“Normal….? NORMAL!! Buddy…??… Answer me!” said Insane looking upset and about to cry

-“PLEASE!! SAY SOMETHING!!” he added shaking Normal hoping he’ll wake up

The doctors and Harder arrived to his room trying desperately to wake him up but nothing worked…

Harder moved Insane out the way as he looks for a pulse…indeed there was one! His right arm.

Insane held Easy to his chest trying to calm him down…


Normal wakes up seeing his friends and Easy next to him. Harder sighed in relief…as Insane placed Easy next Normal on the bed…he heard something

-“WHO’S THERE?!” Shouted Insane on high alert

-“Dude, are you okay?…” Asked Harder looking confused

-“I heard smth break… keep an eye on these two…” Insane commanded Harder

-“Alright..try not to end up like our friend alright?…” Said Harder looking worried

-“I’ll be fine…” Said Insane as he left the room

The place felt oddly quiet as Insane told Harder to stay next to the duo..no doctors or nurses were talking…no footsteps were heard…it felt like the place was abandoned all he hears is the monitor beeping and Easy sound asleep…until……


The room door was broken down and a black outline of a person was standing angrily breathing roughly

-“I-Insane?…” Said Harder looking scared

Insane walked in the room looking beaten up.

-“Ah sh*t….” Insane exclaimed as he held his left shoulder

-“WTF HAPPENED?!” Shouted Harder looking absolutely shocked and attempted to help him

-“I went to find the person whoever harmed Normal…” Said Insane looking like he’ll pass out any second

As Harder sets Insane down bandaging his injuries he looked worried about em..

-“who did you see?..” Asked Harder

-“I…think…a demon….” Said Insane with a panting voice

-“A…demon?..” He asked with a concerned voice

-“Y…Yes…..” Insane answered

Harder looked very concerned and worried he doesn’t know what to do. He thinks for a few minutes without any rest.

Normal wakes up and sits up

-“Harder…? Insane?….” Said Normal looking confused

-“NORMAL!!!” The duo hugged em in tears

-“W-whoa..haha e-easy fellas…. Normal chuckled as he hugged them back

-“We thought you were dead…” Said Insane still crying

-“Hey Hey…I’m alright…..relax…I’ll be alright….” Said Normal sounding very calmly

-“Can you walk…?” Asked Harder as he helps Normal stand up

-“I…think so…” Said Normal with concern

-“Try walking to me bud..” Said Insane

-“Dummy I’m not a child! Stop treating me like one!” Yelled Normal sounding annoyed

As Normal walks towards Insane he loses balance but was caught by Harder from behind

-“Gotchu!” Harder exclaimed

-“Oof..t-thanks…” Said Normal

-“Anytime pal…” Said Harder looking relieved

-“Need any help?…” Harder added

-“H-Haha…y-yes..” Normal laughed nervously

Harder helps Normal get back to the bed and sets Easy next to him

-“Mm…thanks pal….” Normal said tiredly

-“Ya welcome bud now rest up…me and Insane will make sure no intruders arrive….” Said Harder looking at Normal

-“Haha!! You two are just the best of friends I ever had” Said Normal giggling


The duo stayed up while both Normal and Easy are asleep.

-“Should we rest….? I’m tired…” Asked Harder as he yawned

-“Sure…” Answered Insane

As the two settled in for the night..Insane couldn’t rest..instead he was texting somebody

[text: “Hey Extreme Demon…are you available…?”]

[text from Extreme Demon: “hey Insane…yeah I’m available…what’s up?”]

[text: “Well I was hoping you could stop by at the hospital and take over for me..I can’t sleep…”]

[text from Extreme Demon: “Alright. See ya there.”]

End of part 2…

Maybe part 3 will arrive soon…



Next up

Just two drawings…I’ve made recently.. (and no LoveBot doesn’t belong to me it belongs to my friend on Discord :>)

I’m currently making Wenda…


ÙvÚ art request has been finished

(Side-note: I did add the tail its just behind her lol)

Oh. My. Fucking. God. 7 minutes….and 40 seconds….just to finish my Dandy’s World OC… *CRIES* idfk how it can convert to 5 minutes when it took me.. 2 FUCKING hours

Edit: idfk how I made his twisted form short asf

Edit 2: he has a sister named Starlight



Linuxo Penguin💫

A story about unusual day of usual penguin who just want to chill...

But at the end he found outs a secret of Millennial

Written fully by Me, lol


The wait is finally done @-Virtua-Warrior- sorry if it took a while lol I just had some errors if I found the correct colors or not

Small edit: this took me an hour

*Turmoil Noise*

Finished making Wenda :3

(pls note I dont really ship Gray with Wenda cuz I don’t )

Damn its so BRIGHT I can’t even finish these two OC’s I’ve made.. (uhh ignore the fact they look like this…)

Edit 1: idfk how to make a *COUGH* “buff” body so this is how it came out




Ah yes…a Playstation 4…I still miss it :(

..yea I dont have it anymore…it had everything I owned like Batim Mortal Kombat X Uncharted 4.. (damn I still haven’t completed that game😭🙏) Minecraft *and a few others I’m forgetting*